• Is there a minimum rental period for Tree Crest Oasis?

    Yes - due to the rules established by the Brooks, all renters must stay a minimum of 30 days, all starting on the 1st of the month.

  • When is Tree Crest Oasis available to rent?

    Our property is available to rent during the “seasonal” window (January - April), as well as select months throughout the rest of the year. The inquiry form will include a section for you to specify what dates you’re interested in.

  • What is the closest airport?

    The closest airport is Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW), which is ~15 min from Tree Crest Oasis. The airport has multiple flights daily from NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and many other major cities. There is even a direct flight from Seattle! Next closest airports are Tampa (2 hours) and Miami (2.5 hours).

  • Is there a car available to rent with the property?

    Unfortunately, the house does not come with a car. However, all rental car companies are available at the local agencies around town and within the RSW airport.

  • I'm interested in renting! Where do I start?

    Your process starts after you complete the form that appears after clicking “Interested in renting?” From there, you will be contacted by the homeowners and go through an interview process, background check, etc.

  • What is the rental fee for Tree Crest Oasis?

    Rental fee is subject to change based on comparable market rates, especially during the “seasonal” window. A security deposit will also be required to rent the property. The fee does include all taxes, weekly pool cleaning, access to a property manager locally for assistance with any home issues, and all noted amenities.

  • Are pets allowed on property?

    Dogs or cats that weigh under 15 lbs, have minimal shedding, and are fully house trained are allowed on property. There is an additional deposit taken for pets as part of our policy for cleaning. We cannot accommodate outdoor pets.